Gigapixel information

Gigapixel photography for large scale Fine Art

Capturing ultra high resolution files of very large 2D artworks including tapestries, mosaics, frescoes, murals, wallpapers and hangings is now possible.The technique and portable nature of the equipment we use allows us to shoot in awkward or tight spaces such as corridors and small rooms without resort to having artworks moved to more spacious surroundings.The photographic template for this has been fine tuned over the last five years with Nick Turner of TShed Ltd. We work together on these assignments using a custom built robotic camera head originally developed by him for the film industry. This speedily produces multiple, ultra-high resolution images that are stitched together to provide a single, highly detailed, colour accurate file at a 1:1 life size ratio and larger.

We use the latest full-frame, high resolution professional camera models and work with a computer and 27inch monitor on site so that clients might also view work in progress. The images are then colour corrected and finessed in post production before posting into various file formats of choice.

For galleries, artists, designers and crafts people looking to see your work documented please contact me to discuss your projects.